At Kennington Primary School, safeguarding is given the highest priority. 

There may be occassions when school has concerns about the safety of a child in terms of abuse or neglect. In these cases school will follow the safeguarding policy and may need to make a referral to Children's Social Care.

School will work closely with all agencies and the family to ensure the safety of any child who has been referred to Children's Social Care.

  • The Designated Senior Leads for Safeguarding are: The Head Teacher, Mr Simon Pritchard the Deputy Head Teacher, Mrs Jude Duffy and the Learning Mentor, Mrs J. Nuttall.

Any Safeguarding concerns should be reported to either of these senior leaders.

We encourage a clear culture of open communication between pupils, staff, parents and other adults working with children.

If you have a concern regarding the senior leaders, please contact the Chair of Governors Mr Stephen Mort

Online-safety policy and practice at Kennington Primary School.

Operation Encompass

Early Help

Safeguarding Documents

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Updated: 02/07/2017 320 KB